Software for Design of Experiments, Multivariate Data Analysis and Regression – Standard and Customized.
Standaard Software
CQ is the the official Belgium & Luxemburg reseller for the statistical software Design-Expert® and Stat-Ease 360 from Stat-Ease and SOLO from Eigenvector Research, Inc. We also use these software packages in our public courses for the hands-on exercises.
Note that:
- Training courses on-site can be taught with the software of your choice.
- We provide support for all the major statistical software packages such as Minitab, JMP and Statgraphics.
Customized software
Sometimes there is a need for software that is focused on the specific context of a process or company.
For example:
- a simulator of product properties
- an SPC application dedicated to the production
- a report template containing the results of statistical calculations